Frequently Asked Questions

1. What details about my business are shown on HealingRadius?

On HealingRadius, potential new clients can see the name of your business, as well as its address, hours of operation, and contact information.

You can also add more specific details about the types of services and therapies you offer through HealingRadiusPro.

2. How do I add my business to HealingRadius?

When you sign up for HealingRadiusPro, you'll have the option to list your business in HealingRadius's secure database of health and wellness centers.

Just fill out the information required on this page and click 'Sign Up' to get started.

Once you've provided some basic information here (your name, location, business, and contact info), you'll be able to list more details about your business (like the holistic services you provide) for HealingRadius users to view.

3. If I'm an independent therapist will I be able to add my business?

Yes, you can! HealingRadius features independent therapists as well as healing and wellness centers in our database.

4. I've already registered my email address. Can I use it again in the future?

Yes, you can use the same email address to list multiple health and wellness centers.

5. Do I have to sign anything that requires me to use HealingRadiusPro for a certain period of time?

No, there are no contracts with HealingRadiusPro. In fact, there are no fees at all! We appreciate your business and hope you'll never leave, but you're under no obligation to just use HealingRadiusPro.

6. What type of support is available for HealingRadiusPro?

Our locally-based customer support team is available by phone Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST and available by email 24/7.

Unleash Your Potential! Sign Up with HealingRadiusPro Today

The Healing World Deserves the Solution Your Business Provides

Sign up with HealingRadiusPro to have your business listed on HealingRadius, the marketplace for all things holistically healthy.

It’s simple and FREE. With HealingRadius, you can help others find their center by finding yours.


(Letters are not case-sensitive)

HealingRadius is FREE!

Sign Up and:

  • Be discovered
  • Grow your business
  • Manage your staff
  • Schedule classes
  • Accept online payments
  • Respond to reviews
  • Showcase testimonials
  • Promote special offers
  • Send reminders & alerts
  • Get local support 24/7

Help others find their center (and yours)! Sign up and list your business on HealingRadius to extend your healing reach.